Two random things
31st January 2025, Fourth day of blogging. I'm gonna share two things today. One, A strange process of how I get the ideas for my blog. Two, How I stopped something before it solidified into a habit. . . . Since I started blogging I found this strange thing. As I've a 30 days blogging challenge, from the moment I wakeup I ponder about the topic or the content that I'm gonna pour into my today's blog. But, I won't get any good ideas which just haunts me out, makes me feel like I'm gonna end up with no idea hence no blogging. But everytime I click on 'create a blog', the ideas, thoughts, and incidents do pop up in my mind. Very strange. So I stopped bothering about what I'm going to write in my blog. As an act of testing I didn't spend a second thinking about the today's blog but when I clicked the plus icon, the ideas that have been flouting around me entered my mind just like the messages that we get once we turn on the internet in th...